Mon - Fri: 8am - 5 pm   |  P: 1-844-ETWORKS

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    About Us

    Workforce Solutions East Texas is a community partnership providing no-cost recruitment and employment services to businesses and job seekers in the East Texas area.

    A conference room with a long table and chairs and a lot of windows.

    Workforce Solutions East Texas Board

    The Workforce Solutions East Texas Board works in partnership with chief elected officials of the region and is the primary source of local workforce policy. We are proud to serve Anderson, Camp, Cherokee, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Marion, Panola, Rains, Rusk, Smith, Upshur, Van Zandt, and Wood counties. We are one of 28 local Workforce Solutions Boards located throughout the state. 

    Texas House Bill 1863, along with provisions of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, sought to integrate various workforce programs under a single policy-making body. The Workforce Solutions East Texas Board was established to oversee this integration and coordination of more than twenty separate employment and training programs in our area. In 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act updated Federal programs, making them even more responsive to our participants needs. A report by the Comptroller’s office in 1995 provided the principles that serve as the cornerstone of workforce development boards:
    • Driven by Business and Industry and Labor
    • Universally Available
    • Locally Designed
    • Responsive to Customers’ Needs
    • Accountable

    Board of Directors

    The Workforce Solutions East Texas Board is a volunteer board appointed by the Chief Elected Officials. The Board is composed of a majority membership of individuals from the private sector along with individuals representing labor, education, and community organizations within East Texas.

    Board Members

    Chief Elected Officials

    Under the Workforce and Economic Competitiveness Act, the responsibilities of Chief Elected Officials in the East Texas Workforce Development Area are carried out by a Chief Elected Officials (CEO) Board. The CEO Board consists of the County Judges of each county of the East Texas Workforce Development Area and the Mayors of the Cities of Longview and Tyler. 
    CEO Board Membership


    The East Texas Council of Governments is the designated Administrative Agent of the Workforce Solutions East Texas Board. As such, East Texas Council of Governments is responsible for conducting the day-to-day operations of the various programs throughout the East Texas Region.

    Visit ETCOG

    Our Mission

    It is the mission of the Workforce Solutions East Texas Board to improve the quality of life in this area through economic development by providing a first-class workforce for present and future businesses.
    Our News

    Our Vision

    It is our vision for East Texas to have active economic development with a premier workforce attracting and supporting growth of business and industry.
    Contact Us

    Board Plan

    Draft Local Workforce Development Board Plan

    Program Years 2025-2028

    Public Comment Period

    Draft Board Plan Files

    Our Team

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