Mon - Fri: 8am - 5 pm   |  P: 1-844-ETWORKS

A logo for workforce solutions east texas

    Scholarships & Training

    Scholarships available to provide retraining and education for pursuing new careers in healthcare, retail, manufacturing, truck driving, and more!

    We are committed to helping the employers and job seekers of our 14-county region.
    Our scholarships support training for growing a high-skilled workforce for high-growth occupations.
    Eligibility and requirements apply.
    Talk to a career advisor to find if you're eligible!

    For a complete list of occupations for which training is available, click below.

    East Texas Targeted Occupations List

    Fast Track Training

    Are you interested in fast-track courses to help you get back to work? We provide certified training for:
    • Microsoft Office 
    • OSHA 30 Certificate 
    • Customer Service Representative 

    Scholarships for Training

    Scholarships under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) support training for growing a high-skilled workforce for high-growth occupations.

    To be eligible:

    • You must be WIOA eligible for scholarship funds (low income and/or lost your job through no fault of your own) and in need of training
    • If you are eligible for assistance, we can provide scholarships for occupations that are “in demand” in East Texas
    • You can find the list of available training programs and schools on the TWC website at this link
    • If eligible, the you may choose the program and vendor for training from the list

    On the Job Training

    We work with employers who provide On-the-Job Training (OJT). This is an opportunity for employees to learn while they are getting paid to work. Participating employers are willing to train the person they choose to hire into a permanent, full-time position. Contact our office to see if you could be matched for on the job training! 
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