Workforce Solutions East Texas hosts the Dream Expo to help teens with researching possible career paths. Due to local restrictions, the annual Dream Expo was recorded virtually in 2020 and 2021 for students to go back and embark on for further exploration. Students and ISDs are invited to explore careers with just a click at our Virtual Dream Expo events below.
Workforce Solutions East Texas created the Dream Expo event in response to the passage of legislation requiring students to choose a career path as they enter high school in one of the following areas: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM), Business & Industry, Public Service, Arts & Humanities, and Multi-Disciplinary Studies.
To assist students with this task, we host the Dream Expo annually and rotate the location among counties in the East Texas region. The event gives students from area districts a chance to explore each of the different endorsements, speak to people who perform the jobs, and get some hands-on experience with job-related equipment.
We love this event and it shows. With the support of the East Texas business community, counselors, teachers, chambers, cities, and ISDs, we are proud to have given thousands of students the opportunity to explore careers. We hope this makes their decision making a little easier.
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