To apply for unemployment benefits, call the Texas Workforce Commission at 1-800-939-6631 or apply online by going to:
Workforce Solutions East Texas is not the Texas Workforce Commission. Workforce centers do not have Unemployment Insurance staff assigned to the centers. You can find information about your benefits by contacting the Texas Workforce Commission at 1-800-939-6631 or by visiting
Although the Workforce Solutions East Texas centers do not operate the Unemployment Insurance program, we do offer telephone, internet, fax, and copier services to help individuals file a claim. If you have questions or need help filing a claim, call the Texas Workforce Commission at 1-800-939-6631 or visit
To register for Work-in-Texas, visit and select Job Seeker Registration.
Learn how to navigate Work-in-Texas by attending our Effective Job Search workshop offered at our locations in Athens, Tyler, or Longview.
Workshops are available at Workforce Solutions East Texas Centers to assist job seekers develop the skills necessary to successfully locate employment. The Qualified Job Seeker program offers the following workshops:
Workshops are offered in Athens, Tyler and Longview locations. One-on-one assistance is offered at our centers located in Palestine, Jacksonville, Henderson, and Marshall. You can also take advantage of our Mobile Unit services located in Rains, Van Zandt, Wood, Upshur, Marion and Panola Counties. See where our offices are located and the mobile unit schedule here.
You may need to update the information you are using to match yourself to jobs. To do this, log on to and click the My Portfolio tab in the top navigation bar. The Job Matching section is at the bottom of this page. Click Matching Options- Pay and Location Preferences link to get to your Job Match summary page. This page contains your selection of occupations, experience, and education information as well as your desired pay and location preferences. In other words, this page reflects your cumulative experience and training. All this information is used to match your profile to job openings. For more information, click the How to Increase Your Job Search Success link in the Job Search section of your Home page. For more help, click the Messages & Alerts tab at the top of the page and send a message to Workforce staff requesting assistance. Or, contact your nearest Workforce Solutions East Texas office.
To browse a list of job openings in Work-in-Texas, go to your portfolio and click on "Browse Jobs." You can select any of the options from the drop down list.
Individuals interested in training for a new career may be eligible for assistance throught he Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Available services include job search assistance, veteran services, scholarship opportunities such as training, retraining, tuition assistance, book allowance, uniforms/supplies, career guidance, and more. To find out about eligibility criteria, contact us at 1-844-ETWORKS and ask for a schedule of the WIOA Orientation meetings.
Our team makes every effort to process applications as quickly as possible. However; there are times when additional documentation is needed from the customer before eligibility can be determined. If the required documentation is not provided it will only delay the process. We highly recommend that you respond to requests for additional information as quickly as possible.
Your career advisor will contact you once you have been approved for the program. If you have provided all the documentation needed and have not heard from our team within five business days of submitting your documents, please contact your local Workforce office.
To be eligibile for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs and services, individuals must meet eligibility requirements. When determining an individual's WIOA eligibility, the household size and income are considered.
You can get a federal financial-aid application at or by calling 1-800-4FEDAID (1-800-433-3243.
To decide what education or training will help you, ask to speak with a Career Advisor by visiting a Workforce center or calling 1-844-ETWORKS (1-844-389-6757).
Through the WIOA program, participants may be eligible for transportation assistance in the form of a reloadable gas card or bus pass if a need for transportation exists and no other means for transportation is available. Approved WIOA customers must be engaged in the following activities to qualify for transportation assistance:
To find out more about the WIA program, contact us at 1-844-ETWORKS.
Also, our administrative agency, ETCOG, operates rural transportation service throughout 14 counties of East Texas for $2 per trip. Find out about GoBus at
Our staff keeps all personal identifiable information secure. Documentation provided by our customers will not be shared unless a Release of Information form is acknowledged and signed by the customer.
Tyler Junior College
(903) 510-2389
Kilgore College-Longview Testing Center
(903) 236-2051
Kilgore College - Longview, TX
(903) 753-2642
Work Keys Test Scores Only
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Equal Opportunity Employer/Program
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired customers may contact Relay Texas: 800-735-2989 (TTY) and 711 (Voice).
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