Mon - Fri: 8am - 5 pm   |  P: 1-844-ETWORKS

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    Apply for WIOA Services

    Are you interested in training scholarships or other types of employment assistance through

    Workforce Solutions East Texas?

    It all begins with scheduling and attending a WIOA Orientation session below! Select the location nearest to you and choose a session that works with your schedule. Add your details to register.

    Important Notice!

    Federal funding is used by Workforce Solutions East Texas to pay for training and other types of assistance. That requires an eligibility determination process. 

    • Please bring the following when you come to the orientation session:
    • Current (unexpired) state issued identification (Examples: Driver’s License, passport, etc.)
    • Social Security Card
    • Verification of Selective Service registration (if applicable)
    • Please plan to spend from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM with us on Orientation Day!  We know your time is valuable and transportation can be expensive. So the Orientation both provides information and begins the process of eligibility determination for those who choose to move forward in the process.
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