The Texas Workforce Commission has a diverse portfolio of programs and services to support the workforce needs of current and prospective Texas businesses.
The High Demand Job Training (HDJT) program supports collaborations between local workforce development boards (Boards) and Type A or Type B economic development corporations (EDCs). Through the HDJT program, Boards partner with local EDCs to use their local economic development sales taxes for high-demand job training and other workforce-related activities. TWC supports these partnerships by providing up to $150,000 as a match to local economic development sales tax funds.
A Texas public community college, technical college, local Workforce Development Board, or the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service can apply for the grant in partnership with a business, business consortium, or trade union. Skills Development Fund Program parameters include:
Public community or technical colleges, or nonprofit organizations are eligible for funds to support workforce training programs for entry to mid-level jobs in high demand occupations. Lone Star Workforce of the Future Program parameters include:
A small business with fewer than 100 employees can apply for the grant. Skills for Small Business Program parameters include:
A private, nonprofit community-based organization (501(c)(3)), public community college, technical college, or Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service can apply for a grant of up to $500,000 for training projects. Self Sufficiency Fund Program parameters include:
The Texas Industry Partnership (TIP) program targets skills gaps and ensures a talent pipeline is available to address regional industry needs. Private employers, corporate foundations, and most 501(C)6 organizations can collaborate with local workforce development boards to apply for funding to support workforce development projects focused on high-demand, target occupations for job training in their communities. The TIP program supports collaborations between Boards and industry partners by leveraging matching contributions of up to $150,000 for workforce-related activities including occupational job training.
The Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) program provides grants to public community, state and technical colleges, school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools to purchase and install equipment necessary for the development of career and technical education courses or programs that lead to a license, certificate or post-secondary degree in a high-demand occupation. Grants are awarded annually based on a competitive process.
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