Mon - Fri: 8am - 5 pm   |  P: 1-844-ETWORKS

A logo for workforce solutions east texas

    Career Seekers

    We want to help you prepare for, locate, and obtain jobs and careers that suit your strengths, lifestyles, and goals.

    Select a category below to connect to individualized services available to you.

    Search for Jobs

    and Career Enhancing Resources

    A logo for work in with a texas flag and are connected - same employers and same jobs. 

    A logo for my texas career with a texas star on it. is ideal for those who just need a job and not other services offered by the system. 

    We are committed to providing employment-related services to all citizens of our East Texas area.

    Workforce Solutions provides a variety of options to help customers with disabilities use the services, resources and information offered at each of our Workforce Centers.  As a person with a disability, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you have the right to access all services, programs and activities provided at our Career Centers. 

    As part of our commitment to providing services to all East Texas citizens, we provide accessible equipment in designated areas of our Workforce Centers to assist people with disabilities in their employment search. In each of our centers, we provide the following:


    • Reserved workstations at each Workforce Center
    • Wheelchair accessible facilities
    • Keyboards with extra-large character font
    • JAWS© and Purple© software
    • Accessible websites, including
    • Relay Texas info: 1-800-735-2989 (TDD) / 711 (Voice) and IP Relay info
    • We also partner with Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services  to insure that individuals with disabilities have access to necessary services. 


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