Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) is a no-cost employment program designed to give job seekers the support and/or skills training they need to find a job.
To ensure that individuals receiving training find jobs, WIOA only provides funding for training in occupations with good earnings potential and in growing industries in our East Texas Workforce Board area. A complete list of the occupations for which training is available is linked here. If selected for WIOA-funded training, job seekers are able to pick the training provider of their choice. For a complete list of training providers certified for the WIOA program in the area, please visit
The WIOA program is available to low-income adult workers and dislocated workers living in East Texas. Basic eligibility for the program includes:
* United States citizenship or eligible to work in the United States
* Birth Certificate
* Social Security Number
* If male and born after January 1, 1960, must be registered with the Selected Service
To verify selective service registration, visit
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