Tara Nugent's journey to rejoining the workforce after divorce and many years as a stay-at-home mom. She found assistance through our Choices and WIOA programs, which led her to a welding career with Thumper Fab.
"I never thought I would be here, not even six months ago. And here I am, and I am thriving. I see a bright future for me and my kids. I see a wonderful future, being able to make it on my own. I haven't ever been on my own, so this has been wonderful. Pay my own bills. I take care of all my stuff myself. Anybody can do this."
Tamara Corbett Ream received a letter that advised her to appear at her local Workforce
Solutions East Texas office for a SNAP Employment and Training class, a mandatory orientation
because Tammy was receiving SNAP benefits. Tammy, out of work due to a recent injury, was
sure that no one would hire her. With a heavy heart, Tammy made her appearance at her local
office. Much to her surprise, the class resulted in her finding new employment!
Jay Jackson looked toward the future with worry. His career in the pipeline industry was coming to an
end. What was he to do for the future? What options did he have available? All these questions circled
in Jay's head as he completed his application for Unemployment benefits and began his weekly job
search efforts.
Soon, Jay received a letter from Workforce Solutions East Texas to attend a RESEA orientation. RESEA, which stands for Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment, provides displaced workers (DW) like Jay the opportunity to hear about services available to them from TWC and Workforce Solutions East Texas.
Holly Cole
We are delighted to share a heartwarming tale that captures the spirit of transformation. Meet Holly Cole, a participant in the On-The-Job Training (OJT) program offered by Workforce Solutions East Texas (WSET).
Holly's journey began at a local event, where she connected with WSET staff while staying at the House of Hope, a shelter for women experiencing homelessness. Eager for change, Holly enrolled in the WIOA program, seeking a career path that promised stability and independence. However, a significant obstacle loomed large – the absence of reliable transportation.
Izashia Clewis knew she wanted to go to school. She also knew that she had barriers stopping her from pursuing her goals. With limited income, Izashia knew she needed to work, and the luxury of going to school would have to wait. Izashia, who had just exited high school, learned about Workforce Solutions East Texas services and how the WIOA Youth program could help her overcome her barriers and find employment.
Izashia applied for the Youth program and was accepted. Soon after, she began the Career Edge Class, a job readiness course for young adults. While completing the course, Izashia had many discussions with her Workforce Solutions Career Advisor about her desires and future ambitions.
Thumper Fab, 2024 Small Employer of The Year Nominee, located in Marshall, Texas, began as a start-up in 2019. JC Kester, co-founder of Thumper Fab, stated that the company was formed out of necessity. “Our industry is unfortunately flooded with a lot of cheaper products from overseas. It’s pretty unique just to be an American made company.”
When asked about Thumper Fab’s hiring policies, Kester emphasized the importance of community engagement and learning opportunities for individuals seeking to find employment in the company’s industry.
Mark Shaw found himself unemployed like hundreds of others across East Texas during the COVID-19 Pandemic. From his military experience, Mark was determined to overcome the challenge and find employment. Through Workforce Solutions East Texas, he was introduced to the National Displaced Workers Grant (NDWG) and was placed at CampV as the facility manager.
Mark's work ethic and drive quickly caught the attention of CampV director Travis Gladhill. Throughout the eight-month program, Mark demonstrated his value through dedication and exceptional performance. Gladhill recognized his potential and offered him a permanent position following the grant period.
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